Thursday, November 17, 2011


Victorino P. Mapa

` He’s done it again – emptied half the Filipino population in America and siphoned them all to Las Vegas for the five day’s he’s there. The other half are incommunicado during the fight, all glued to their HBO pay per view – not to mention the empty streets all over the Philippines . The entire population indoors into all theatres, auditoriums , halls, ballrooms, homes to watch Manny. Only two people are able to fill all the rooms in Las Vegas each time they perform. The other one is Celine Dion. They have similarities: Celine is a knockout when she sings. Pacman sings and does knockouts. Manny wears his shorts up to his waist. Celine wears her strapless up to her waist. Her boobs are that low.
Juan Manuel Marquez checked in at the MGM Grand. The fans that greeted him were as sparse as a Manila cemetery a week after All Saints day. Not so with Manny at the Mandalay Bay. It was the usual mob scene redolent of a Cecil B De Mille biblical epic. He’s a rock star. The other one’s just a pebble. I’ve been following the build up to the fight on CNN and TFC’s TV Patrol. Both have been doing bios on the two. Even then it is a no-contest for the Mexican. Juan Manuel’s home appears to be on top of a garage. He’s proud of his five cars and the love and affection of two Mexicans: His mother and trainer. Pacman has mansions dotting most of the Philippine islands. His home in Forbes Park is the entire year’s budget of the Philippine Government. Manny owns all the vehicles in Mindanao plus a brand-new Ferrari. 100 million Filipinos venerate and light candles to Manny, not to mention, try to borrow money. I’m checking the rumors that Pope Benedict is about to Beautify him. San Manuel de Sarangani. At interviews Juan Manuel Marquez stumbles and struggles with his English. Pacquiao He speaks it mellifluously and sounds like Richard Burton. Why he even recites passages from Shakespeare. It’s why I believe the news that the Pacman will be opening a University in his home province. He’ll call it Pac U. Mommy Dionisia will be the dean: Mother packer. If successful a branch will follow: Pac U2. When he retires Manny plans to teach English. Ok, so I’m prejudiced.
Other comparisons are just as bad. Juan Manuel flies economy class on Mexicana Airlines Our Manny charters his own plane to cross the ocean. His entourage includes the entire Philippine Congress, all of who hold comp seats at ringside. Plus a staff of 90 coaches,assistant coaches, trainers, and an etcetera of assitants. The numbers do not include Freddie Roach and a dozen sparring trainers who meet him upon arrival. The congressmen is, of course an exaggeration (they always are) but the entourage of 90 is not. I am told the number grows along with his fame much like the pilot fish remoras that glue themselves to the undersides of a shark.. I can understand ten people preening the champ:Manager, trainer, cut man, masseuse, cook, court jester and a max maybe of four sparring partners to round it out. But 90? I mean, what do the other 80 do except osculate his culo and collect their pay? Manny’s ego doesn’t have to do with it. I’ve personally met the guy. Even my wife . She has a picture with him prominently displayed in our living room. Helps to buttress her small talk when she begins, “…as I was telling Manny the other day…”.The guy is extremely likeable and humble as Obama begging to be re elected. It is Manny’s heart which is as big as the Titanic iceberg. He just can’t say no. If you can wipe ass welcome to the club.
Filipinos fervently believe that Manny can never lose. The idea that he can be is too horrifying to contemplate.A loss would be far more ghastly than floods, typhoons, volcanic eruptions. National honor, world recognition,prestige, bragging rights, not to mention Pacman’s chances of becoming President will all go down the toilet . Juan Manuel Marquez quit drinking his own urine. This time around he wanted Pacquiao’s blood. That he almost succeeded should make all Pinoys afraid, very very afraid.

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