Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Random Trivia

Victorino P. Mapa

It was 1837. They were married to two sisters. William was making candles and James made soap. Both depended on animal fat for the creation of their products. Rather than see his sons-in-law compete for the raw products Alexander Norris suggested they go into business together. From this humble beginnings they turned animal fat into a multi-billion world-wide conglomerate that produces over 250 brand name products. You make them wealthier each time you brush your teeth, take a shower or change your baby’s diapers. William and James last names? Procter and Gamble. One of their world-wide outlets was the Philippine Manufacturing Company they opened in the 50s.
We’re celebrating Thanksgiving a week early, thanks or no thanks to President Delano Roosevelt. During the greatest depression of our times in 1939 (our current depression is the fourth ) President Roosevelt decreed that Thanksgiving Day be celebrated a week earlier than usual in order to extend the Christmas shopping season.It helped spur the economy. While we’re on the subject John Wayne calls everyone a pilgrim but the originals who landed on on Plymouth Rock never called themselves that. Only William Bradford did when he wrote a journal of his fellow travelers in circa 1620-1647 and coined the word “Pilgrim” for the settlers
.Do you know why the Pilgrims chose to land on Plymouth Rock? Because they ran out of beer! In those days beer was considered an essential and healthy part of one’s diet. Water, especially during a voyage was not so because it easily became contaminated. The Mayflower set out from England loaded with beer barrels. Its destination was Virginia but a storm blew them off course. Rather than go south they landed on Plymouth Rock because a pilgrim recorded, “we could not take time for further search or consideration. Our victuals being much spent, especially our beere.”
So set em up Joe, to America’s forefathers! Hic !
Coffee at one time was considered a drug, not a drink.The early American settlers took it to “ :ward off the lassitude of the body “ – is how their apothecaries described it. When it got introduced to Europe in the 16th century the Vatican decided that it was the devil’s brew because it came from Muslim country. Until Pope Clement VIII took a sip and gave it his blessings. “This Satan’s drink is so delicious it would be a pity to let the infidels have exclusive use of it. We shall fool Satan by baptizing it,” he said.
There’s a brew so expensive you’ve probably never heard of it.But the rich and famous do. Sells for as much as $600 a pound. A single cup of this nectar will run you $30 a cup at a posh dining room in world class hotels. The British Royal family reportedly sips it every morning. It’s called Kopi Luwak. Kopi is Indonesian for coffee. Its’ not picked by human hands but is plucked by sharp claws and fangs and digested by a civet. In the animal’s stomach enzymes in its gastric juices massage the beans, smoothing the harsh edges that make coffee bitter and produce the jitters for addicts. Kopi Luwak is alleged to be so smooth it just emits bliss and pleasant dreams. What’s the catch ? The civet is about the size of your household cat and lives in the jungle. In short your cat growing wild, eating coffee beans, ejecting them, the turd picked up, dried, ground and sipped. So what is Kopi Luwak? Yes brudda, cat shit! What’s probably next is chocolate flavored horse shit EEWWW!

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